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Interview with Tester Martin

People of LOGEX24.květen 2021

We continue with a series of interviews with our colleagues in Brno. Today you can discover what Test Automation Specialist means in Logex. Read the interview with our Tester Martin Ileček. What is his responsibility in Logex or what he does in his free time? Discover it by reading the interview :-)

As the introduction can you tell us how long have you worked at LOGEX?

I started in LOGEX on 1/2/2020.

What have you done before LOGEX?

I was a Test Specialist in Blackboard/Transact company.

And why did you choose to start at LOGEX?

I knew a lot of people already working in LOGEX. My close friend was leaving the position of Test Automated Specialist in LOGEX and my current employer decided to leave Brno and I didn’t want to move to another country so I took the chance to join Logex.

What did you want to become as a child?

Knight and I fulfilled this dream later at the scout camp.

You work as a Test Automation Specialist, can you describe your role and which project you are working on now?

I am writing program which tests another programs. Automation team is creating automated tests for most LOGEX group products. I specialize at Costing (one of our Financial tool ).

According to the current situation with covid-19 our office has limited mode so how do you spend your home office, do you take any advantages from that?

One of the biggest benefits is saving time. No travel to the office. I can also flexibly adjust the time I spend with my family.

And on the other hand what do you miss by mainly working remotely?

Small informal talks. I feel that interpersonal relationships suffer.

What keeps you motivated in this lockdown-covid time?

Laughter of my daughters. Walking through the woods off the road. One glass of wine/beer before bedtime.

What do you like about LOGEX and its working environment?

I like the people I work with. There is an excellent working team in Brno. I like the dynamic development and implementation of Scrum in LOGEX suits me. I also perceive very positively that our top management asks us for feedback after presentations.

On the other hand, is there anything you would like to change in LOGEX?

As LOGEX grows, I perceive efforts to unify access across states. And here I am a little worried because each nation is culturally very different and from my experience so far this is not the ideal solutions.

We know that you have family so how do you manage your work-life balance in LOGEX?

Very good. The company does not financially support overtime so it does not make me to work more that I need and tries to ensure that people have the right set work-life balance.

What do you do in your free time?

With my daughter we build Lego castles for her princesses. I like to walk through the woods off the road. And sometimes I play computer games.

Would you recommend LOGEX to others?

In the condition in which LOGEX is today – YES.

Thank you for the interview :-)

Martin na Summer party vaří podle receptu francouzského šefkuchaře

Martin na Summer party vaří podle receptu francouzského šefkuchaře

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